Turtle Rescue Update, 5 Aug 2020: Interview with local staff

See how our local staff feels about our turtle rescue project at the Tapiche Reserve in the northern Amazon of Peru. Normally the Tapiche Reserve operates on tourism income, but we still do not know when we will resume tourism operations and/or when visitors can come. We need your support so that we can keep our local staff in their jobs and so that we can continue our turtle rescue efforts!

With your contribution, you're not only helping us rescue turtles and conserve the environment, but you're also making it possible for local people to experience nature in a way that they may never have experienced before if they grew up or live in degraded areas. We're proud to provide an example of what a healthy jungle and ecosystem could look like if we all work together, and we hope that the positive mindset gets passed down to local kids and the next generation!

Our wondeful friend Louisa has set up a GoFundMe here:
