Our 32m Canopy Observation Tower is Complete
Our 32m/105ft high Canopy Observation Tower is finished! We buckled down and put in some intensive tower-building time over the past couple months, and the results are in: we now have an unparalleled view into the treetops, over the canopy and lagoon. We chose to build the tower around an emergent tree, which means it pokes up higher than the canopy, so you really can see treetops from the highest platform of the tower. It's impossible to capture the tower properly in photos, so you'll have to come visit us in person to really experience the heights of the rain forest! Thank you to all of our friends and supporters and their generous donations for making this project possible.
We're now focusing on making sure all the açaí saplings we previously planted have survived the strange drought, which lasted the whole month of January.