Nighttime turtle rescue 2020

Turtle Rescue Project Update, 2 July 2020:

This is what our nights look like during Turtle Rescue Season in the Tapiche Jungle Reserve in the Northern Amazon of Peru. Every day we go out in the morning at around 4 o'clock (before sunrise), in the afternoon and in the night after sunset to go search the beaches for nurtle nests. We collect the nests, carefully bring them back to the lodge and re-bury them in our incubation boxes.

This video was taken 2 days ago when we found 10 nests in one night which made up a total of 373 eggs! Until now we have already found more than 1000 turtle eggs which we re-buried in the incubation boxes at the lodge. We are working hard, scouting the beaches day and night and nights like these really make it worth it!

Thank you to everybody who has supported us and donated to the GoFundMe campaign that former guest Louisa started for us!

You can still support us via this link: